Buvuma Islands
Lake Victoria - February 2012
3 Day conference @ Buvuma Islands in Lake Victoria
When we understood well, we were ones of little white people visiting these Islands
In 2012 Stichting Bulamu supports a Belgium / Dutch team lead by Fernando Pauwels.
A beautiful experience with Ronald Rugasira, Moses Mugalasi and Rembo Francis
Buvuma Island EN
Impressie van drie dagen conferentie op de Buvuma Eilanden in Lake Victoria
February 2012 - Boats ready for Jinja
Jinja, exit point to start our travel to Buvuma islands
Sailing to Buvuma Islands by boat
2 Travel under the burning sun
African Huts @Buvuma Islands
We recognize Africa like we only know it from TV
The whole village welcomes the newcomers
We are surrounded by many children
Looking for some coolness
Waiting in church for people to arrive, together with Fernando
First visitors
The first ones to arrive are Mrs Hen and her child
African territory
Dryness, children and clay huts everywhere.
Beautiful Nature
A beautiful tree supporting some shadow
Our crew in our nextdoor restaurant Good business these days.
Evangelizing on the island, Rembo meets people from his "Tribe".
Music by the heart
At the second Buvuma island, Rembo takes a Bongo.
Let the children come to me
Amazing colors
Pr. Mugalasi having fun with the children in a goodbeye greeting.